The System Of The Beast

Why Islam will be the [future] Beast System

Many people - especially Christians - try to figure out who will be the antichrist and what his reign will look like. They speculate that a kind of tattoo or a RFID chip will be the Mark Of The Beast. That will not be the case. It is much easier and less sophisticated.

To clearly identify a follower of the beast who is allowed to buy and sell  - the mark has to be VISIBLE all the time. A tattoo would apply but in my opinion it´s either a head band (worn on the fore head) or a arm band (worn on the right hand). On both cloths is the ´bismillah´ - the Islamic creed which means ´In The Name Of Allah´.

There is evidence that John saw exactly this sign when he wrote (in Revelation 13:18, KJV) “Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.”

In Greek language (in which the Bible was first translated) the number 666 looks like this:

And this is very similar to the Islamic creed (´In The Name Of Allah´) , which looks like this:


A very interesting article can be read here:

The former terrorist Walid Shoebat converted to Christianity and he explains in detail why Islam will one day dominate the world and represent the System Of The Beast:

[WakeUp] [Death Is The Great Equilizer] [Holy Bible - Fact or Fiction] [About Islam] [Islam kills] [ISIS] [Islam vs Christianity] [The System Of The Beast] [Evolution] [Lifestyle] [Heaven and Hell] [Testimonies of Hell] [Trouble ahead]